Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Prologue of Eclipsers

There was blur of blood red. A breeze moved towards the center of the ruins. Everything began to tilt in that direction. It was getting ready for a high power attack. Most likely a fire breath attack.
I glanced out from behind the pillar.
The huge beast was covered with scales. Two dark wings blocked out the twin suns. It’s mouth was lined with spear like teeth that could snap a tree in half with one bite. Reptilian eyes stared into mine and the air suddenly became dry. I didn’t have much time left.
I ducked back behind a pillar and planted my wizard’s staff in the ground.
“Shield of water protect me,” I muttered.
A watery shield went up around me and I closed my eyes. The heat from the fire could be felt even though I was behind a shield. As soon as the flames dispersed I dropped the shield and leaped in front of the dragon.
“Sword of silver sword of gold, go forth and slay the beast!” I pointed my staff at the dragon and the blue orb at the end of my staff began to glow.
Something whispered in my ear.
“Not now,” I said as the orb glowed brighter. “Five more minutes.”
Light shot out from the staff. The dragon reared up and spewed fire into the air.
I rolled out of the way as the dragon came back down. The ground shook when it came down. It’s feet made craters in the stone.
There was more whispering.
A loud growl sounded from the dragon and it dashed towards me. It’s mouth wide open.
I jump to the side but I wasn’t fast enough. The huge jaws closed around me. My heart pounded as I watched my health dropped into the red. Clinging to my staff and started to say the words of healing but my health was dropping too quickly. Everything became dark.
A moment later I found myself standing in the graveyard next to Jonah’s Tavern and Inn. I was at half health. I held up my right hand and a health potion materialized within my grasp. I chugged down the foul liquid before heading to the inn.
Something whispered in my ear, this time louder than before.
I sighed and closed my eyes.

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