Monday, December 1, 2014

How Do you Spell That?

Game Show Host: Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to How Do you Spell That?! Today we have John Smith and Alice Doe playing.

John Smith: *waves* Hi Mom! I'm on TV!

Alice Doe: Why am I here? I never signed up for this! You people kidnapped me!

Game Show Host: Hello, Alice and John. Welcome to How Do you Spell That?

John: T-H-A-T.

Game Show Host: Why did you just spell that?

John: Because you asked me too.

Game Show Host: That's the name of the show, not what you were suppose to do.

John: But you asked me to spell that.

Game Show Host: It doesn't really matter. Alice, please spell honor.

Alice: No. You kidnapped me. Why would I do anything you say?

Game Show Host: You'll be a millionaire if you win.

Alice: H-O-N-O-U-R.

Game Show Host: That is incorrect.

Alice: Uh, no it's not.

Game Show Host: There is no U in honor.

Alice: Yes, there is.

John: We're in America.

Alice: You kidnapped me and brought me to the United States? How crazy are you people? I demand to be taken home.

Game Show Host: As you wish. Guards!

*Guards come and drag Alice away*

Game Show Host: Now back to How Do you Spell That?!

John: T-H-A-T.

Game Show Host: Uh, yeah. Next question. If you can spell hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia you will win a million dollars.

John: H-I-P-P-O-P-O-T-O-M-S-T-R-O-S-E-Q-U-I-P-E-D-A-L-I-O-P-H-O-B-I-A.

Game Show Host: How on Earth did you just do that? You weren't supposed to be able to spell that. Now I have to find a million dollars to give you.

John: I'm reading off the script. Even what I'm saying right now is part of the script. If you didn't want me to be able to spell that then you shouldn't have written it down.

Game Show Host: .....

John: So, uh, where is my million dollars?

Game Show Host: Guards!

*Guards come and drag John away*

Game Show Host: Well, that was a great show. See you next time on How Do you Spell That?!

John: *shouts as he's being dragged out the door* T-H-A-T!

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