Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How to Write an Emotional Scene

Hello humanoids! Today I'll be teaching you how to write an emotional scene. Actually, let me rephrase that. I'll be giving you an example of an emotional scene and you can figure out how to write your own by studying the example. I'm too lazy to actually bother to write a post about writing emotional stuff. Actually, I take that back. I'll give you a helpful tip. Listen to sad, happy, or whatever emotion you're trying to write music while writing the scene. Helps a ton. Now, onto the example!

I can’t be late. I have to stop her. She can’t do this to herself.
Scrambling down back alleys and the busy streets I made my way to our spot.
Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this.
I left the city and entered the forest. She had to be here. Where else would she go?
The forest was silent. Not a sound was to be heard other than that of my own heart as I leaped over fallen logs and dashed between the trees.
I stopped at the edge of the pond. Our pond. Where we first met.
There she was. Sitting on the grass with a laptop in front of her, about to hit enter.
She looked up from what she was doing. “Derek, don’t try to stop me.”
“There has to be a better way,” I said. “Please don’t do this.”
She glanced down at her screen. “I have to.” She pressed send.
“No!” I rushed over and took the laptop from her. It was too late. The video had been released.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
I closed the laptop. There was nothing I could do now. “It’s not your fault.”
A tear slid down her cheek. “I’m scared, Derek.”
I hugged her. “Everything will be fine.”
She buried her face in my shoulder. “I don’t want to go. I’m only twenty.”
“I know,” I held her close. “I love you.”
She looked me in the eyes. “I love you too,” she whispered before kissing me.
My lips felt numb. Like someone had zapped them with electricity.
Her head fell limp and the light left her eyes.
“No. No. Please no,” I begged. “Please, don’t go.”
She didn’t respond.
A sob escaped my lips. “Come back. Don’t go.” Tears rolled down my cheek. I hugged her body. “Alex, please don’t leave me.”

There you have it. An emotional scene. I would explain to you what exactly was going on with the girl but as I said before I'm feeling rather lazy so I'm just not going to bother. So, there's your example of an emotional scene. Go write one yourself now. Scram! Just joking. You don't have to.

Have a pleasant day and return this weekend for another amazing post!

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