Friday, December 5, 2014

An Interview with Alexis Raven

Hello humanoids! Today is the day I talk about my amazing characters and ask you questions in order to get comments! Or I gues I coud just mespel stuf and use ImprOper caPitaliZatioN and pun'ctu)at:ion. Okay, that last sentence was a pain to write. I'm never ever doing that again. Anyways, for the interview I'm going to give you a quick overview of Alexis and you give me your questions. I'll post her answers on Tuesday. Oh, and here's what she looks like.

Michaela Conlin just happens to be a clone of Alexis

Alexis Raven is the twenty year old stepdaughter of Master Zane Raven of the Raven Guild. Since the Raven Guild is a thieve's guild and Alexis is a member of the guild you can rightly assume that she's a thief. Alexis is actually a pretty accomplished thief for her age. She got her first tattoos at the young age of fifteen (tattoos play a huge part in the guild's culture).

Personality wise Alexis is a very sarcastic human being. She also tends to be a little rude and has a bad habit of insulting people. Despite all this she loves people and enjoys making friends. Alexis is also very superstitious. 

Alexis may like making friends but its hard for her to keep them. Most people don't trust thieves. She does have one good friend though. His name is Ghost and he's a professional assassin. 

Alexis has a large family. Her father, who was her stepfather's brother, died when she was very young and her mother married Master Zane a year later. Alexis has two younger sisters and four half brothers. She also has several cousins, uncles, and aunts. Most of whom hate her due to the fact that she got herself kidnapped and was forced to join the rebels. 

As I mentioned in the last paragraph Alexis was kidnapped and forced to join the rebels, or the Freeland Republic as they like to call themselves. The Starrin Empire kidnapped five people for a job and attached little electronic devices to their spine so that they could electrocute them to death if they didn't do the job. Alexis currently is working for the rebels on the Empire's orders. And that last sentence sounded like it was from Star Wars. *starts talking to myself about what to change the Empire's name to*

Hope that all made sense. I'm not particularly good at summarizing people's lives. Or summarizing anything for that matter. So, if you have any questions for the lovely thief put them in the comments. She'll be answering them on Tuesday. Hope ya'll have a great day!


  1. What was the first thing you ever stole?

  2. Which sibling are you the most close to? Do you like being a thief? What is your hometown like?

    Stori Tori's Blog


You have something to say? Really?